Hello, I'm
Alan Le Viet
and this is my

I create
and WebDesign.

I work hard to attain the perfect typography,
write clean c0de,
obsessively optimize performance,
and always aim to do more than paid for.

Nº1 Aesthetic Medicine anatomical illustrations and design works

Nº2 Construction Inspectorate's online prtfolio www.wrmbud.pl


Nº3 Chudzewo Holiday House www.chudzewo.pl

100/100 Lighthouse score at the time of launch (see report)

Nº4 Ecobox Catering www.ecobox.catering

I created the branding and coded all of the website's CSS entirely from scratch. Unfortunately, the owner (who was also the head chef) had to close down due to personal circumstances. Although I was really heart broken, the memory lives on :)

The website's domain is no longer accessible. Mirror can be found at https://blog-7d93e.web.app/

About me

I'm a half Polish, half Vietnamese developer, currently living in the Netherlands.

When I was 10, I played a browser-based mmorpg and attended its forum. I then discovered a desire to own a cool, shiny avatar picture and a 400x150px signature under my posts. I wondered how.

I was too young to google my own shit, so I asked on the forum and nice people told me to install gimp, and then that gimp sucks and I need to install Photoshop. Thus I downloaded a pirated copy from rapidshare (or was it megaupload?) and managed to install Adobe Photoshop CS2, which was the newest.

The mmo was called Blood Wars and it still exists, Jesus Christ what a dinosaur.

I discovered my love for Linux around 2012, having installed Ubuntu and then Debian as my first non-Windows OSes. Shortly after, I switched to ArchLinux and i3-wm, which I still continue to use today.

I did lots of tinkering with CMSes such as Wordpress, Drupal, Prestashop and others. At one point, I knew all of NGINX config directives by heart.

Then I understood the need for programming, because programming is power (of complete customization). Thus around late 2016 I started learning and began my coding journey.

Languages I like are golang, c/c++, python, javascript, ruby; while languages I actually know are python and js.

My top 5 favourite books on programming would be K&R C, Gang of Four Design Patterns, Code Complete by McConnell, CLEAN CODE and Grokking Algorithms.

I use VIM as my IDE and I love every minute of it. It was on my second or third day of Linux that I learned how to <ESC><ESC><ESC><ESC><ESC>:wq!, and now, 8 years later, my .vimrc has 600 lines and I think it's not much.

Besides that, I've had lots of interests regarding computers, including systems, security and stuff, so if you need anything just mailto:alan@leviet.me kthx bye yo